プログレライブ所有音源 - Pink Floyd -
1.01 astronomy domine
1.02 careful with that axe, eugene
1.03 set the controls for the heart of the sun
1.04 a saucerful of secrets
1.01 astronomy domine
1.02 careful with that axe, eugene
1.03 cymbaline
1.04 a saucerful of secrets
2.01 embryo
2.02 interstellar overdrive
2.03 set the controls for the heart of the sun
2.04 atom heart mother
1.01 astronomy domine
1.02 careful with that axe, eugene
1.03 cymbaline
1.04 atom heart mother
1.05 set the controls for the heart of the sun
1.06 a saucerful of secrets
1.01 grantchester meadows
1.02 astronomy domine
1.03 cymbaline
1.04 atom heart mother
1.05 embryo
2.01 green is the colour
2.02 careful with that axe, eugene
2.03 set the controls
2.04 a saucerful of secrets
2.05 interstellar overdrive
1.01 astronomy domine
1.02 fat old sun
1.03 cymbaline
1.04 atom heart mother
1.05 the embryo
1.06 green is the colour
1.07 careful with that axe, eugene
2.01 set the controls for the heart of the sun
2.02 a saucerful of secrets
2.03 just another 12 bar
2.04 more blues
2.05 interstellar overdrive
2.06 astronomy domine
1.01 astronomy domine
1.02 fat old sun
1.03 cymbaline
1.04 atom heart mother
2.01 embryo
2.02 green is the colour
2.03 careful with that axe, eugene
2.04 set the controls for the heart of the sun
2.05 a saucerful of secrets
1.01 atom heart mother
1.02 embryo
1.03 careful with that axe eugene
1.04 astronomy domine
2.01 cymbaline
2.02 set the controls for the heart of the sun
2.03 a saucerful of secrets
1.01 set the controls for the heart of the sun
1.02 cymbaline
1.03 atom heart mother
1.01 echoes
1.02 careful with that axe, eugene
1.03 set the controls for the heart of the sun
2.01 cymbaline
2.02 atom heart mother
2.03 a saucerful of secrets
1.01 careful with that axe, eugene
1.02 fat old sun
1.03 set the controls for the heart of the sun
1.04 cymbaline
1.05 atom heart mother
2.01 echoes
2.02 a saucerful of secrets
2.03 blues
1.01 fat old sun
1.02 one of these days
1.03 echoes
1.01 the embryo
1.02 set the controls for the heart of the sun
1.03 fat old sun
1.04 careful with that axe, eugene
2.01 atom heart mother
2.02 cymbaline
2.03 echoes
2.04 blues
1.01 speak to me
1.02 breathe
1.03 the travel sequence
1.04 time
1.05 breathe (reprise)
1.06 the mortality sequence
1.07 money
1.08 us and them
1.09 any colour you like
1.10 brain damage
1.11 eclipse
1.12 one of these days
1.13 careful with that axe, eugene
2.01 echoes
2.02 a saucerful of secrets
2.03 blues (something different)
2.04 set the controls for the heart of the sun
1.01 breathe
1.02 on the run
1.03 time
1.04 breathe (reprise)
1.05 the great gig in the sky
1.06 money
1.07 us and them
1.08 any colour you like
1.09 brain damage
1.10 eclipse
1.11 one of these days
1.12 careful with that axe, eugene
1.13 echoes
1.01 speak to me
1.02 breathe
1.03 on the run
1.04 time
1.05 the great gig in the sky
1.06 money
1.07 us and them
1.08 any colour you like
1.09 brain damage
1.10 eclipse
1.11 one of these days
1.12 careful with that axe, eugene
1.01 introduction
1.02 echoes part 1
1.03 careful with that axe, eugene
1.04 a saucerful of secrets
1.05 one of these days i'm going to cut you into little pieces
1.06 set the controls for the heart of the sun
1.07 echoes part 2
1.01 speak to me
1.02 breathe
1.03 on the run
1.04 time
1.05 the great gig in the sky
1.06 money
1.07 us and them
1.08 any colour you like
1.09 brain damage
1.10 eclipse
1.11 one of these days
1.12 careful with that axe, eugene
2.01 echoes
2.02 a saucerful of secrets
2.03 set the controls for the heart of the sun
1.01 speak to me
1.02 breathe
1.03 on the run
1.04 time
1.05 breathe (reprise)
1.06 the great gig in the sky
1.07 money
1.08 us and them
1.09 any colour you like
1.10 brain damage
1.11 eclipse
2.01 careful with that axe, eugene
2.02 echoes
2.03 one of these days
2.04 set the controls for the heart of the sun
1.01 speak to me
1.02 breathe
1.03 on the run
1.04 time
1.05 the great gig in the sky
1.06 money
1.07 us and them
1.08 any colour you like
1.09 brain damage
1.10 eclipse
2.01 one of these days
2.02 careful with that axe, eugene
2.03 echoes
1.01 echoes
1.02 obscured by clouds / when your in
1.03 set the controls for the heart of the sun
1.04 careful with that axe, eugene
2.01 speak to me
2.02 breathe
2.03 on the run
2.04 time
2.05 the great gig in the sky
2.06 money
2.07 us and them
2.08 any colour you like
2.09 brain damage
2.10 eclipse
2.11 one of these days
1.01 obscured by clouds
1.02 when you're in
1.03 set the controls for the heart of the sun
1.04 careful with that axe, eugene
1.05 echoes
2.01 speak to me
2.02 breathe
2.03 on the run
2.04 time
2.05 breathe (reprise)
2.06 the great gig in the sky
2.07 money
2.08 us and them
2.09 any colour you like
2.10 brain damage
2.11 eclipse
2.12 one of these days
1.01 speak to me
1.02 breathe
1.03 on the run
1.04 time
1.05 the great gig in the sky
1.06 money
1.07 us and them
1.08 any colour you like
1.09 brain damage
1.10 eclipse
1.11 echoes
1.01 speak to me
1.02 breathe (in the air)
1.03 on the run
1.04 time
1.05 the great gig in the sky
1.06 money
1.07 us and them
1.08 any colour you like
1.09 brain damage
1.10 eclipse
1.01 shine on you crazy diamond
1.02 raving and drooling
1.03 gotta be crazy
1.04 dark side of the moon
2.01 dark side of the moon
2.02 echoes
1.01 raving and drooling
1.02 you've got to be crazy
1.03 shine on you crazy diamond part 1-5
1.04 have a cigar
1.05 shine on you crazy diamond part 6-9
2.01 breathe
2.02 on the run
2.03 time
2.04 the great gig in the sky
2.05 money
2.06 us and them
2.07 any colour you like
2.08 brain damage
2.09 eclipse
2.10 echoes
1.01 raving and drooling
1.02 you've got to be crazy
1.03 shine on you crazy diamond part 1-5
1.04 have a cigar
1.05 shine on you crazy diamond part 6-9
2.01 speak to me
2.02 breathe in the air
2.03 on the run
2.04 time
2.05 the great gig in the sky
2.06 money
2.07 us and them
2.08 any colour you like
2.09 brain damage
2.10 eclipse
3.01 echoes
1.01 raving and drooling
1.02 you've gotta be crazy
1.03 shine on you crazy diamond 1-5
1.04 have a cigar
1.05 shine on you crazy diamond 6-9
2.01 breathe
2.02 on the run
2.03 time - breathe (reprise)
2.04 the great gig in the sky
2.05 money
2.06 us and them
2.07 any colour you like
2.08 brain damage
2.09 eclopse
2.10 echoes
1.01 sheep
1.02 pigs on the wing 1
1.03 dogs
1.04 pigs on the wing 2
1.05 pigs
1.06 shine on you crazy diamond parts 1-5
1.07 welcome to the machine
2.01 have a cigar
2.02 wish you were here
2.03 shine on you crazy diamond parts 6-9
2.04 money
2.05 us and them
2.06 careful with that axe, eugene
1.01 sheep
1.02 pigs on the wing part 1
1.03 dogs
1.04 pigs on the wing part 2
1.05 pigs
1.06 shine on you crazy diamond part 1-5
2.01 welcome to the machine
2.02 have a cigar
2.03 wish you were here
2.04 shine on you crazy diamond part 6-9
2.05 money
2.06 us and them
2.07 careful with that axe, eugene
1.01 sheep
1.02 pigs on the wing part 1
1.03 dogs
1.04 pigs on the wing part 2
1.05 pigs
1.06 shine on you crazy diamond part 1-5
2.01 welcome to the machine
2.02 have a cigar
2.03 wish you were here
2.04 shine on you crazy diamond part 6-9
2.05 money
2.06 us and them
1.01 sheep
1.02 pigs on the wing part 1
1.03 dogs
1.04 pigs on the wing part 2
1.05 pigs
2.01 shine on you crazy diamond part 1-5
2.02 welcome to the machine
2.03 have a cigar
2.04 wish you ware here
2.05 shine on you crazy diamond part 6-9
2.06 money
2.07 us and them
1.01 master of ceremonies
1.02 in the flesh?
1.03 the thin ice
1.04 another brick in the wall, part 1
1.05 the happiest days of our lives
1.06 another brick in the wall, part 2
1.07 mother
1.08 goodbye blue sky
1.09 what shall we do now
1.10 young lust
1.11 one of my turns
1.12 don't leave me now
1.13 another brick in the wall, part 3
1.14 last few bricks
1.15 goodbye cruel world
2.01 hey you
2.02 is there anybody out there?
2.03 nobody home
2.04 vera
2.05 bring the boys back home
2.06 comfortably numb
2.07 the show must go on
2.08 master of ceremonies 2
2.09 in the flesh
2.10 run like hell
2.11 waiting for the worms
2.12 stop
2.13 the trial
2.14 outside the wall
1.01 MC: atoms
1.02 in the flesh?
1.03 the thin ice
1.04 another brick in the wall part 1
1.05 the happiest days of our lives
1.06 another brick in the wall part 2
1.07 mother
1.08 goodbye blue sky
1.09 empty spaces
1.10 what shall we do now?
1.11 young lust
1.12 one of my turns
1.13 don't leave me now
1.14 another brick in the wall part 3
1.15 the last few vricks
1.16 goodbye cruel world
2.01 hey you
2.02 is there anybody out there?
2.03 nobody home
2.04 vera
2.05 bring the boys back home
2.06 comfortably numb
2.07 the show must go on
2.08 MC: atoms
2.09 in the flesh
2.10 run like hell
2.11 waiting for the worms
2.12 stop
2.13 the trial
2.14 outside the wall
1.01 in the flesh
1.02 the thin ice
1.03 another brick in the wall part 1
1.04 the happiest days of our lives
1.05 another brick in the wall part 2
1.06 mother
1.07 goodbye blue sky
1.08 empty spaces
1.09 young lust
1.10 one of my turns
1.11 don't leave me now
1.12 another brick in the wall part 3
1.13 goodbye cruel world
2.01 hey you
2.02 is there anybody out there?
2.03 nobody home
2.04 vera
2.05 bring the boys back home
2.06 comfortably numb
2.07 the show must go on
2.08 in the flesh
2.09 run like hell
2.10 waiting for the worms
2.11 stop
2.12 the trial
2.13 outside the wall
1.01 shine on you crazy diamond pts 1-5
1.02 signs of life
1.03 learning to fly
1.04 yet another movie
1.05 round and round
1.06 a new machine pt 1
1.07 terminal frost
1.08 a new machine pt 2
1.09 sorrow
1.10 the dogs of war
1.11 on the turning away
2.01 one of these days
2.02 time
2.03 on the run
2.04 wish you were here
2.05 welcome to the machine
2.06 ys and them
2.07 money
2.08 another brick in the wall pt 2
2.09 comfortably numb
2.10 one slip
2.11 run like hell
1.01 shine on you crazy diamond
1.02 learning to fly
1.03 yet another movie
1.04 round and round
1.05 sorrow
1.06 the dogs of war
1.07 on the turning away
2.01 one of these days
2.02 time
2.03 wish you were here
2.04 us and them
2.05 money
2.06 another brick in the wall part 2
2.07 comfortably numb
2.08 run like hell
1.01 shine on you crazy diamond, parts 1-5
1.02 the great gig in the sky
1.03 wish you were here
1.04 sorrow
1.05 money
1.06 comfortably numb
1.07 run like hell
1.01 shine on you crazy diamond
1.02 astronomy domine
1.03 what do you want from me
1.04 learning to fly
1.05 keep talking
1.06 coming back to life
1.07 hey you
1.08 a great day for freedom
1.09 sorrow
1.10 high hopes
1.11 another brick in the wall part 3
2.01 speak to me
2.02 breathe
2.03 on the run
2.04 time
2.05 the great gig in the sky
2.06 money
2.07 us and them
2.08 any colour you like
2.09 brain damage
2.10 eclipse
2.11 comfortably numb
2.12 run like hell
1.01 astronomy domine
1.02 learning to fly
1.03 what do you want from me
1.04 poles apart
1.05 sorrow
1.06 take it back
1.07 lost for words
1.08 keep talking
1.09 on the turning away
1.10 shine on you crazy diamond
2.01 breathe in the air
2.02 time
2.03 breathe in the air (reprise)
2.04 high hopes
2.05 wish you were here
2.06 one of these days
2.07 the great gig in the sky
2.08 us and them
2.09 money
2.10 comfortably numb
2.11 hey you
2.12 run like hell